
Draw rectangle using mouse QML

I'm creating a wave form using QML 2.0. I would like to know how I can draw rectangle starting when the user clicks on the waveform and ends when user releases mouse button.

I need something like the yellow rectangle.

I tried with Canvas but isn't working properly. Can you help me?

Canvas {
    property int prevX
    property int prevY
    property int hh:wave.height
    property int lineWidth: 2
    property color drawColor: "red"

    height: 200
    width: 2000
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onPositionChanged: mycanvas.requestPaint();

        onPressed: {
            prevX = mouse.x;
            prevY = mouse.y
            var mousePosition = mouse.x / mousearea.width;
            console.log("QML: ZoomStart mousePosition " + mousePosition)


        onReleased: {
            var mousePosition = mouse.x / mousearea.width;
            console.log("QML: ZoomFinish mousePosition " + mousePosition)

    onPaint: {
        var ctx = getContext('2d');
        ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"
        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.05

        ctx.fillRect(prevX, 0, mousearea.mouseX-prevX,mainRectangle.height/4.5);


enter image description here


  • What I would do is instanciate a QtQuick Rectangle dynamically and set its visual properties in the same time :

    Just put this a a children of your 'wave graph' component :

    MouseArea {
        id: selectArea;
        anchors.fill: parent;
        onPressed: {
            if (highlightItem !== null) {
                // if there is already a selection, delete it
                highlightItem.destroy (); 
            // create a new rectangle at the wanted position
            highlightItem = highlightComponent.createObject (selectArea, {
                "x" : mouse.x 
            // here you can add you zooming stuff if you want
        onPositionChanged: {
            // on move, update the width of rectangle
            highlightItem.width = (Math.abs (mouse.x - highlightItem.x));  
        onReleased: {
            // here you can add you zooming stuff if you want
        property Rectangle highlightItem : null;
        Component {
            id: highlightComponent;
            Rectangle {
                color: "yellow";
                opacity; 0.35;
                anchors {
                    top: parent.top;
                    bottom: parent.bottom;

    That should do the trick !