Is there a way in C++, using Tinyxml , TinyXpath , such that, a string containing :
transforms to
I was using Tinyxml and Tinyxpath.
My workflow was :
a) Create a dom-tree using TinyXML
b) Pass dom-tree to Tinyxpath for xpath evaluations
To add namespace removal, I used following function :
void RemoveAllNamespaces(TiXmlNode* node)
TiXmlElement* element = node->ToElement();
std::string elementName = element->Value();
std::string::size_type idx = elementName.rfind(':');
if(idx != std::string::npos)
element->SetValue(elementName.substr( idx + 1).c_str());
TiXmlNode* child = element->IterateChildren(NULL);
child = element->IterateChildren(child);
So workflow changed to :
a) Create a dom-tree using TinyXML
b) Remove namespace from the domtree using RemoveAllNamespaces(domtree.Root() )
c) Pass modified-dom-tree to Tinyxpath for xpath evaluations
Ok, in response to the edited question, a few notes:
that doesn't actually treat the namespaces (consider xmlns=""
style default namespaces), but that's actually a TinyXml limitation (eek):
Further, TinyXML has no facility for handling XML namespaces. Qualified element or attribute names retain their prefixes, as TinyXML makes no effort to match the prefixes with namespaces.
it doesn't treat attributes (which can also be qualified)
Here's what I'd do a quick & dirty (assumes TIXML_USE_STL as you were supposedly already using):
static inline std::string RemoveNs(std::string const& xmlName)
return xmlName.substr(xmlName.find_last_of(":") + 1);
void RemoveAllNamespaces(TiXmlNode* node)
if (auto element = node->ToElement()) {
for (auto attr = element->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next())
for (auto child = node->IterateChildren(nullptr); child; child = element->IterateChildren(child))
On my MSVC test it prints
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Our: to do list data -->
<ToDo a="">
<!-- Do I need: a secure PDA? -->
<Item priority="1" distance="close">Go to the<bold>Toy store!</bold></Item>
<Item priority="2" distance="none">Do bills</Item>
<Item priority="2" distance="far & back">Look for Evil Dinosaurs!</Item>