
changing a sprite width when playing a reel using Crafty.js

can anyone help me with this :

you can see that the sprite animation is not rendering correctly when the reel is in the last frame when animating Hardpunch is it possible to change the character width when playing a specific frame ? like you see my spritesheet does not contain a static width and height so it's a bit confusing for me


// initialize the sprite
Crafty.sprite("", {
    Ryu: [0, 0, plrw, plrh]

// initialize the component
Crafty.c("RyuAnimation", {
    init: function () {
        .reel('idle', 300, [
            [0, 0],
            [plrw * 1, 0],
            [plrw * 2, 0],
            [plrw * 3, 0]
        .reel('punch', 300, [
            [plrw + 12, plrh],
            [plrw * 2 + 15, plrh]
        .reel('Hardpunch', 300, [
            [plrw * 3 - 25, plrh],
            [plrw * 4 + 32, plrh],
            [(plrw + 19) * 5 - 38, plrh]
        ]); //
        this.animate("idle", -1);


    // creating the player 
    plr1 = Crafty.e("2D,Canvas,RyuAnimation")
    x: 15,
    y: ch - 100
this.bind('KeyDown', function () {
    if (this.isDown('A')) {
        if (!this.isPlaying("Hardpunch")) {
            this.pauseAnimation().animate("Hardpunch", 1);
    } else {


I read about handling complex sprite sheet with different width and height and all the answers was about creating evenly sized boxes for all sprites like this example here : but i actually couldn't understand what the mean by that and how would i do it they didn't provide an example . what is evenly sized boxes?


  • Evenly sized boxes mean, every frame has to be evenly sized. In your case, every frame has different width. It would be hard to specify every frame's width manually, in fact I don't know how to do that in craftyjs. Your best solution would be cut all frames, and put them in evenly sized boxes with padding. Check out this link for a related discussion.!topic/craftyjs/eN9KTAxieSI