Is there any way by which I can use the Test Data or Sample data for Shopizer? I have installed it successfully but now I want to add some products or contents to see actual functionality in general.
As I can see from documentation that we can load the Test Data in the initial startup, that will give an overview on how to configure an online store.
For this I have edited sm-shop/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring/appServlet/shopizer-properties.xml
<prop key="POPULATE_TEST_DATA">false</prop>
and modified above property key with TRUE.
but it not loading any test data. Am I doing it in wrong way? or is there any other way to achieve this?
Also I want to know basic difference between "sm-core" and "sm-shop" packages?
Follow these steps and I am sure you will be able to get test data.
, set <prop key="POPULATE_TEST_DATA">true</prop>
This will be able to load test data in the initial startup.Regarding your second question
sm-core provides core functionality under Shopizer like
In short sm-core is providing core functionality required for any eCommerce store.
is providing common functionalists,controllers and API for a online store like
used Services as well other integration points provided by sm-core
as well it is dependent upon the model layer being used in sm-core