I want to change the header text of the gridview using Design..
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="">
i created a variable in javascript and initialize variable defending on the condition and then i tried to call that variable over here as below:
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Text Here" DataField="slno" >
here I use "text here" string stored in one variavble name . and i want to use that variable
My code :
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
var flag;
var ca = document.cookie.split('=');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ',') c = c.substring(1);
if (c != '' && c != null) {
flag = c;
else {
flag = 1;
if (flag == 1) {
var name_lbl = "Hai";
else if (flag == 2) {
var name_lbl = "How are you?";
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="overflow: auto; height: 99%;" id="divTable">
<label for='field ID'> <b><input type="text" id="kilist_lbl" size="20" style="border: none; height:20px" readonly/></b> </label> <br />
<asp:GridView ID="gvareadetails" runat="server"
CssClass="mGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<%-- here is the problem when assigning ID to headerText label --%>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText='sss' DataField="slno" >
<ItemStyle Width="5%" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
document.getElementById('sss').value = name_lbl;
Any one have any suggestions how this could be achieved..
Instead of js, just try the C# code to get values from the grid view.
int name_lbl = gvareadetails.Columns[0][0];
Here Columns[0][0]
gives you the first row first column value.