
How to Romove SUEXEC from apache webserver?

As client requirement i need to remove the suexec from apache to remove vulnerabilties.

To do that i am using apachectl -V command on linux machine.

i am getting many variables with path of the file like

-D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/sbin/suexec"

From the documentation on

if i would remove or rename this suexec file from the above path and restart the server, suexec will be deactivated and the above variable won't be show the file.

I am doing the same but the reflection is not showing. please help me out this.


  • The -D SUEXEC_BIN=… text that you're seeing is an option that was specified when the web server was compiled. It doesn't mean that suexec is being used, and it can't be removed without recompiling the web server (which you should not do here).