Urlrewritingnet 301 redirect strange behavior

I migrated a site form a php system to Umbraco. I would like to redirect all the old urls (es: index.php? ...) to the current site root, so I wrote a rule:

<urlrewritingnet xmlns="">
        <add name="301RedirectDirUrlsOldSite" virtualUrl="^http\://*)" rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl="" redirect="Domain" redirectMode="Permanent" ignoreCase="true" />

The rule works fine but the redirect incluse also the querystring parameters. For example is I fire I've been redirect to the same url (without 404) but not to only as I expect. Is there anything to change over my rule?


  • On php rewrites within Umbraco I use the following which should work for you:

    <add name="phpRewrites" virtualUrl="^~/(.*)\.php(.*)" rewriteUrlParameter="IncludeQueryStringForRewrite" redirect="Application" redirectMode="Permanent" destinationUrl="~/" ignoreCase="true" />

    The difference in the virtualUrl & destinationUrl may seem trivial - but give it a go.