
JRE version is 1.6.0; version 1.7.0 or later is needed to run Google Plugin for Eclipse

I have 3 versions of Java installed on my system: 6, 7, and 8... I am required to have JRE6 available for a product my company develops, so I cannot get rid of it... But despite copying my Eclipse install to a new folder for another project I need to work on and removing JRE6 from this version alltogether, I still cannot get it to work.

enter image description here

How can I get the google plugin for Eclipse to work in my scenario?


  • If you have created a shortcut to start eclipse, you can add a parameter to tell it to use the jre of your choice like this -

    C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm "C:\Programs\jdk\jdk1.7.0_55\bin\javaw.exe"

    I have used "javaw" executable from a jdk installation, but you may point to the same executable within a JRE installation as well.

    This will resolve the error.