*i would be add the icon in the header of my daTaTable but when i execute the programme the icon not display he's appear {Exporters}. i use jsf 2.2.0 primeFaces 5 eclipce juno this is my code view :
<p:dataTable id="tbl" var="produit" editable="true" value="#{produitBean.produits}"
paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {Exporters} "
paginator="true" rows="10" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<f:facet name="{Exporters}">
<h:graphicImage library="images" name="excel.png" width="24" />
<p:dataExporter type="xls" target="tbl" fileName="produits" />
What exact version of PrimeFaces are you using? This feature is only available from version 5.0.2:
For example, if you have the 5.0 community version you won't be able to use that.