This bit of code below appends a div to another div. The former div contains an input element with the name attribute "inputName[]". I'm guessing this is an array that auto-increments as more divs are added. How can I output the length of this array? I tried to console.log it (as below), but it's not working.
The error I get is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
What can I do to fix this please?
$("#buttonid4").on("click", function() {
var string1 = "<div class='eight columns'>
<input type='text' size='76' placeholder='paste URL here' name='inputName[]'> </div>";
if you want number of inputs with name "inputName[]" ,you can use name selecter in jquery.
like the following
$('#deleteandadd input[name="inputName[]"]').length
var inputName= $('#deleteandadd input[name="inputName[]"]')