In my process I need to create an INSTEAD OF INSERT
trigger which will accept the new values for the record and create a new version of it, example:
Note: Table columns are constantly changing due to business requirements. So if there is a solution that would support table to table
merge instead of column to column
that would be awesome.
VersionID |ID |Value 1 |Value 2
1 |1 |abc | 123
Example query
INSERT INTO ExampleTable (ID,[Value 1]) VALUES (1,'testabc')
Resulting table:
VersionID |ID |Value 1 |Value 2
1 |1 |abc | 123
2 |1 |testabc | 123
At this moment I have something like this:
-- Get data
SELECT TOP 1 * INTO #ExistingData FROM dbo.ExampleTableLatestVersionView
-- Merge incoming data
MERGE #ExistingData AS target
USING inserted as source
ON (target.ID= source.ID)
THEN UPDATE SET target.[Value 1] = source.[Value 1],
target.[Value 2] = source.[Value 2];
-- And afterwards I do a new insert into version table
Problem here is that NULL
values from inserted
table are overwriting and I end up with this:
VersionID |ID |Value 1 |Value 2
1 |1 |abc | 123
2 |1 |testabc | NULL
I was thinking of doing INSTEAD OF UPDATE
where I could get previous values by referencing VersionID
, but I want to know if this is possible.
This will use the existing value if provided value is null:
MERGE #ExistingData AS target
USING inserted as source
ON (target.ID= source.ID)
THEN UPDATE SET target.[Value 1] = ISNULL( source.[Value 1],target.[Value 1]),
target.[Value 2] = ISNULL( source.[Value 2],target.[Value 2]);