There does not appear to be any information on how these functions work. I presume these are Tampermonkey exclusive functions?
It looks like they are designed to allow communication between currently running Tampermonkey scripts; An alternative to continually polling GM_Value storage for changes. Which is a really interesting idea.
But I have no idea how to use them; What values they take in, and what sort of object you get back?
How do you use these three functions, and am I right in their purpose?
Get a object that is persistent as long as this tab is open.GM_saveTab(tab)
Save the tab object to reopen it after a page unload.GM_getTabs(cb)
Get all tab objects in an array to communicate with other scrips instances.
I'd never attempted to use them, but looking at the code these appear to be the ability to store/get whatever you would like from each tab and also get everything stored in this fashion by all tabs.
On two chrome consoles, I have run the following:
var this_tab_data, all_tabs, n;
GM_getTab(function (o) {
this_tab_data = o;
n = this_tab_data.rand = Math.random();
GM_getTabs(function (db) {
all_tabs = db;;
for (var i in all_tabs) {
if (all_tabs[i].rand === n)"I bet I am the tab named: " + i);
else"Other tab: " + i + " has value: " + all_tabs[i].rand);
Result (in tab 2):
Object {rand: 0.9303610376082361} VM779:11 0.9303610376082361 VM779:14 Other tab: 366 has value: 0.417106909211725 VM779:13 I bet I am the tab named: 371
I added access in the chrome console using this user script, (based on the instructions on the indicated @match
// ==UserScript==
// @name My Fancy New Userscript
// @namespace http://use.i.E.your.homepage/
// @version 0.1
// @description enter something useful
// @match
// @copyright 2012+, You
// ==/UserScript==
unsafeWindow.GM_getTab = GM_getTab;
unsafeWindow.GM_saveTab = GM_saveTab;
unsafeWindow.GM_getTabs = GM_getTabs;
As a side note, I see that this data remains accessible with GM_getTabs() after I close the tabs that set it. I'm not sure I would count on that, but I probably would minimize what I left behind.