
Why does [weak self] work but [unowned self] break in a Swift closure?

This SpriteKit action repeats by calling itself with a completion closure. It uses a closure, rather than an SKAction.repeatActionForever(), because it needs to generate a random variable each repetition:

class Twinkler: SKSpriteNode {
  init() {
    super.init(texture:nil, color:UIColor.whiteColor(), size:CGSize(width:10.0, height:10.0))
  func twinkle() {
      let rand0to1 = CGFloat(arc4random()) / CGFloat(UINT32_MAX)
      let action = SKAction.fadeAlphaTo(rand0to1, duration:0.1)
      let closure = {self.twinkle()}
      runAction(action, completion:closure)

I think I should be using [unowned self] to avoid a strong reference cycle with the closure. When I do that:

let closure = {[unowned self] in self.twinkle()}

It crashes with the error: _swift_abortRetainUnowned. But if I use [weak self] instead:

let closure = {[weak self] in self!.twinkle()}

It executes without error. Why would [weak self] work but [unowned self] break? Should I even be using either of these here?

The Twinkler object is strongly referenced elsewhere in the program, as a child of another node. So I don't understand how the [unowned self] reference is breaking. It shouldn't be deallocated.

I tried replicating this problem outside SpriteKit using dispatch_after(), but I was unable to.


  • This sounds like a bug. {[unowned self] in self.twinkle()} should work identically to {[weak self] in self!.twinkle()}