I am trying to debug my code shown below. I am fairly new to SystemVerilog and hopefully I can learn from this. Let me know of any suggestions.
**The errors I am receiving are:
Error-[ICPSD] Invalid combination of drivers
Variable "Q" is driven by an invalid combination of structural and
procedural drivers. Variables driven by a structural driver cannot have any
other drivers.
"divide.v", 13: logic [7:0] Q;
"divide.v", 16: divide8bit testcase1(x, y, clk, Q, R);
"divide.v", 23: Q = 8'b0;
Error-[ICPSD] Invalid combination of drivers
Variable "R" is driven by an invalid combination of structural and
procedural drivers. Variables driven by a structural driver cannot have any
other drivers.
"divide.v", 13: logic [7:0] R;
"divide.v", 16: divide8bit testcase1(x, y, clk, Q, R);
"divide.v", 24: R = y;
**My SystemVerilog Code is:
module divide8bit(
input logic [7:0] x,y,
input logic clk,
output logic [7:0] Q,R);
always_ff @(posedge clk)
R <= R-x;
Q <= Q + 8'd1;
module test1;
logic [7:0] x,y,Q,R;
logic clk;
divide8bit testcase1 (x,y,clk,Q,R);
x = 8'd2;
y = 8'd8;
Q = 8'd0;
R = y;
clk = 1'd0;
while(x <= R)
#5 clk = ~clk;
#5 $finish;
Same problem here: you are assigning to Q
and R
inside module test1
. At the same time module testcase1
is also trying to assing to Q
and R
. Don't assign to Q and R in test1