I am trying to fix overflowing floating content by adjusting the box height to the overflowed content height but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick.
if ( $('.content-right').outerHeight() > $('.content-right').parent().parent().height() ) {
console.log('Box Height: ' + $('.content-right').parent().parent().height());
console.log('Content Height: ' + $('.content-right').height() );
This will output
Box Height: 599
Content Height: 594
Which is incorrect as the div is clearly a lot larger in the example below. Any ideas?
Problem area in image form: http://prntscr.com/4p1obb
There is a bug jQuery outerHeight in older versions where it won't return the height if you don't pass a parameter. Also as suggested in the comments you need to remove the true from height().
if ( $('.content-right').outerHeight(true) > $('.content-right').parent().parent().height() ) {
console.log('Box Height: ' + $('.content-right').parent().parent().height());
console.log('Content Height: ' + $('.content-right').height() );
Try this (and the bug mentioned above still applies, so make sure to put in a parameter). The code below gives me a height of 868.
var outerHeight = 0;
$('.content-right > *').each(function() {
outerHeight += $(this).outerHeight(true);