I am trying to generate a RTF document by hand and eventually will do it programtically. I plan to improve pyRTF so that it can generate "Table of contents", which I think it can't.
I am not able to use RTF controls words (\tc, \tcf and \tcl.) to generate a TOC. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140283(office.10).aspx gives details about TOC but I couldn't find or make any example RTF which have a TOC.
So is there a simple sample showing a RTF with TOC?
I am creating a Table with hyperlinks to bookmarks to title on various pages.
'{\\field{\\*\\fldinst HYPERLINK \\\\l "%s"} {\\fldrslt %s}}'%(bookmark, text)
"{\\field{\\*\\fldinst PAGEREF %s }}"%bookmark