I am using a RadTreeList control to display a bunch of items. I added a RadContextMenu to the page and set the OnItemClick event so I can use it in the code behind to set the URL of my RadWindow based on Insert and Edit. Then I open a radwindow using that url.
It looks exactly like the one in this demo
protected void rcMenu_ItemClick(object sender, RadMenuEventArgs e)
switch (e.Item.Value)
case "Insert":
url = "~/Admin/ManageItemsDialog.aspx?ID="
case "Edit":
url = "~/Admin/ManageItemsDialog.aspx?ID="
In here I am trying to retrieve the ID and the ParentID of the selected item from the tree list. The ultimate goal is to open a RadWindow passing the ID and ParentID through the URL.
Use the SelectedItems property of the TreeList control. Open the RadWindow as shown here: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/window-troubleshooting-opening-from-server.html. Its GetDataKeyValue method will give you the needed values
Also, consider doing this on the client only: Telerik ASP.NET AJAX: How to get value of a data bound column, client-side. The get_selectedItems() will give you the needed items http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/treelist-client-side-basics.html