How can I use SevenZipSharp to asynchronously unzip a list of archives and dispose of them correctly?
Here is what I'm looking at:
Public Class SevenZipVB
Private Shared extractors As New List(Of SevenZipVB)
Private WithEvents _extractor As SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor
''' <summary>
''' Extracts list of archives to their current directory always overwriting
''' </summary>
''' <param name="archives">List of full path names to archives</param>
Public Shared Sub BeginExtraction(ByVal archives As List(Of String))
For Each archive In archives
Dim ext = New SevenZipVB(archive)
'magically wait for all extraction to finish but allow the calling thread to continue
End Sub
Private Sub New(ByVal archive As String)
_extractor = New SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor(archive)
End Sub
Private Sub extractfinished() Handles _extractor.ExtractionFinished
End Sub
End Class
I guess I'll have to add some kind of async method but I don't know what it should look like. Any ideas?
Dont bother, that library is no longer supported, just use the command line 7za or 7zr