I am building a script that will do database backup and will copy the backup to a safe storage location on another computer. I have that specific location already mounted on Y: and have built my script (.bat). The script runs fine in test runs, but when task scheduler runs it the part in charge of copying:
copy /Y "C:\something or other\Backup.bak" "Y:\DB\DB-%mydate%.bak"
doesn't run. In order to see what is going on when scheduler runs the script I appended
>> backup.log
to every line of the script. When I tried manually running the scrip through task scheduler in order to test what is the problem the only thing copy outputs is:
0 file(s) copied
and nothing else. No other error.
I know that Start Folder set in task could be the problem but I did set it to the folder where the script is. Also start folder shouldn't be an issue since all the time I'm working with full paths.
EDIT: I'm running this on Windows Server 2003 SP2 if it has anything to do with it.
So any ideas what could be the problem?
can you try to map the network drive inside the script or use UNC ? something like
pushd \\server\path
copy c:\backup.bak .