I'm trying to import some group prices based on client group.
I have something like this:
Customer Group: Common Clients
Customer Group: Registered
I want to have two different prices based on customer group, I can do it on group prices section on the Magento product admin, but I need to import a batch of products using Magmi, others fields, works great, sku, price, special_price...
I have added to my csv this columns:
group_price:Common Clients, group_price:Registered
I'm also using Group Item Processor plugin: https://github.com/tim-bezhashvyly/magmi-grouped-price-plugin
Following this tutorial: https://www.blinkdata.com/magmi-group-price-importer/ but it did not work.
But the group price it is not being created.
I just upgraded to Magmi v0.7.19a trying to import group_price
The first attempt did not work either. Then I tried to use a . (dot) instead of a comma (,) in the group_price separator and the magic happened. I guess it is some php typo in the file grouppriceprocessor.php.
Note: I use the comma as decimal mark in prices. My .csv file looks like this:
| sku | price | group_price:groupName |
| 1234 | 26,5 | 15.99 |
PS: Also don't forget to add a checkmark in the itemprocessors section of Magmi:
x Group Price Importer v0.0.1