A fresh grails 2.3.x project. Im using autogenerated controller and views for a domain class. One (not null) property i want to set directly in controller, so i removed the input field from the _form.gsp.
Domain class:
class Demo {
String demo
String status
static constraints = {
demo nullable: false
status nullable: false
In form i only fill the demo field.
Autogenerated controller results in:
def save(Demo demoInstance) {
if (demoInstance == null) {
// set the status property to "test"
demoInstance.status = "test"
println "1 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
if (demoInstance.hasErrors()) {
println "2 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
respond demoInstance.errors, view: 'create'
println "3 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
Fill the form and leave the status property blank results in
println 1 -> status = 'test'
println 2 -> status = 'test'
Redirect to create page with a message: "Property [status] of class [Demo] cannot be null"
When i change the controller as in grails 2.2.x:
def save() {
def demoInstance = new Demo(params)
if (demoInstance == null) {
// set the status property to "test"
demoInstance.status = "test"
println "1 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
if (demoInstance.hasErrors()) {
println "2 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
respond demoInstance.errors, view: 'create'
println "3 STATUS: ${demoInstance.status}"
This results in the expected output:
println 1 -> status = 'test'
println 3 -> status = 'test'
And the input is stored in Database.
Can anyone explain this behavior? Thanks.
I had the same issue. Do not know the exact reason, but what works is:
bindData(demoInstance, [status: 'test'])
Grails 2.3 has a new DataBinding. you can use the old Spring style if you set
grails.databinding.useSpringBinder = true
in Config.groovy
Using this SpringBinder, this issue does not occur.