I am developing an cross-platform mobile app using Titanium Appcelerator. This app is based on Sakai, in this application i have to send image to the server.
Client side i am encoding the image with base64 encoding technique using Titanium API.
//Client-Side JavaScript Code
var selectedImageB64 = Ti.Utils.base64encode(selectedImage).toString();
and now I am sending this string to server and there I am decoding it,
//Server-Side Java Code
byte[] photoData = Base64.decode(selectedImageB64);
byte[] content = photoData;
now the decoded data (content) is passed to the appropriate method to save the image into the database. Till here everything is working well. Image is successfully stored in the database. The size of the original image and the image stored in the database are of equal, so that I thought this encoding and decoding process is done successfully. But when I am trying to open the image in the database the image viewer displays an error message saying "Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either Photo Viewer doesn't support this file format, or you don't have the latest updates to Photo Viewer.". So what I have to do now. What exactly is the problem?
I found the solution for this, actually when sending the base64 encoded data from client '+' symbols in the encoded data are being replaced by a space. So i tried replacing space with '+' sign on server side. That solves this issue.