
Qt: QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called

I'm trying to make an app where you can draw with your finger on a canvas.
To achieve this, I'm subclassing QWidget as MFCanvas, registered the class in QML with
qmlRegisterType<>(), implementing the virtual paintEvent(); function, and
drawing on it with a QPainter inside the paintEvent(); function.

The Problem:
Upon construction, the QPainter throws this warning:

QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called

Then, serveral other related warnings are thrown:

QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active

No wonder: the QPainter didn't draw anything...
Also, am i supposed to call paintEvent(); by myself?
Or should it be called every frame by QWidget, and i somehow messed it up?

I searched the web, but all posts i found had either no answer to them, or they where
using something else than QWidget.

My Code:


#include "mfcanvas.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QVector2D>
#include <QList>

MFCanvas::MFCanvas(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
    paths = new QList<QList<QVector2D>*>();
    current = NULL;
    QWidget::resize(100, 100);

    delete paths;

void MFCanvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
        if(current->length() > 1){
            QPainter painter(this);
            for(int i = 1; i < current->length(); i++){
                painter.drawLine(current->at(i-1).x(), current->at(i-1).y(), current->at(i).x(), current->at(i).y());

void MFCanvas::pressed(float x, float y)
        qDebug() << "null:"<<current;
        current = new QList<QVector2D>();
        current->append(QVector2D(x, y));
        qDebug() << "current:"<<current;

void MFCanvas::update(float x, float y)
    current->append(QVector2D(x, y));

void MFCanvas::resize(int w, int h)
    QWidget::resize(w, h);


#include <QApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QtQml>
#include <QSurfaceFormat>
#include "creator.h"
#include "mfcanvas.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    qmlRegisterType<MFCanvas>("com.cpp.mfcanvas", 1, 0, "MFCanvas");

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    QQmlComponent *component = new QQmlComponent(&engine);
    QObject::connect(&engine, SIGNAL(quit()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));

    Creator creator(component);
    QObject::connect(component, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QQmlComponent::Status)), &creator, SLOT(create(QQmlComponent::Status)));


    int rv;

    rv = app.exec();
    delete component;
    return rv;


#include "creator.h"
#include <QQuickWindow>
#include <QDebug>

Creator::Creator(QQmlComponent *component)
    this->component = component;

void Creator::create(QQmlComponent::Status status)
    if(status == QQmlComponent::Ready){
        QObject *topLevel = component->create();
        QQuickWindow *window = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(topLevel);

        QSurfaceFormat surfaceFormat = window->requestedFormat();

main.qml: (the important part)

import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import com.cpp.mfcanvas 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("MFCanvas")

    onSceneGraphInitialized: {
        drawMenu.visible = true;
        lineWidth.visible = true;
        colorMenu.visible = true;
        drawMenu.visible = false;
        lineWidth.visible = false;
        colorMenu.visible = false;

    Rectangle {
        id: main
        anchors.fill: parent

        property real toolsH: 15
        property real iconW: 25

        property real menuH: 8
        property real menuW: 16

        property real dpi: (Screen.logicalPixelDensity == undefined ? 6 : Screen.logicalPixelDensity) * 1.5

        property color choosenColor: Qt.hsla(hue.value, saturation.value, luminance.value, 1)

        Text {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            font.pointSize: 60
            text: "MFCanvas"

        MFCanvas {
            id: canvas
            Component.onCompleted: {
                canvas.resize(main.width, main.height);

Tell me if you need any additional information.
Thank you in advance! =)


  • I have found a simple solution myself:

    Instead of deriving from QWidget, derive from QQuickPaintedItem. QQuickPaintedItem is a class that was made exactly for what i need: Painting on a QML-Element using a QPainter. Here is the Code (Narrowed down to the essential part):

    class MFCanvas : public QQuickPaintedItem
        explicit MFCanvas(QQuickItem *parent = 0);
        void paint(QPainter *painter);


    void MFCanvas::paint(QPainter *painter)
        painter->translate(-translation.x(), -translation.y());

    As you can see, a simple paint() function is provided which hands over a pointer to a QPainter, ready to use. =)