
Dealing with Korean text breaking words

I am building a website where I am displaying korean text. The client (US local) is being very unhappy because the text is breaking in the middle of words. As example of this, here is an image: Red background text being one word.

enter image description here

I have tried to use

word-break: keep-all;

but it isn't supported in Chrome/Safari.

What am I able to do? I have searched the web for hours and got nothing. Is this something that is expected in cjk sites or is there a solution that I haven't found.

It is a responsive site, so I can't put in hard breaks, or fake it.

demo: http://codepen.io/cibgraphics/pen/tqzfG


  • Why not use jquery plugin - https://github.com/mytory/jquery-word-break-keep-all

    This plugin is for it. IE has CSS property word-break: keep-all; but other browser has not.