
Can't Open files from a directory in python

I have written a small module that first finds all the files in the directory, and merge them. But, I'm having the problem with opening these files from a directory. I made sure that my files and directory names are correct, and files are actually in the directory.

Below is the code..

 seqdir = "results"
 outfile = "test.txt"

 for filename in os.listdir(seqdir):
     in_file = open(filename,'r') 

Below is the error..

     in_file = open(filename,'r')     
     IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hen1-1-rep1.txt'


  • listdir returns just the file names: You need the fullpath to open the file. Also check to make sure it is a file before you open it. Sample code below.

    for filename  in os.listdir(seqdir):
        fullPath = os.path.join(seqdir, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(fullPath):
            in_file = open(fullPath,'r')
            #do you other stuff

    However for files it is better to open using the with keyword. It handles closing for you even when there are exceptions. See for details and an example