
Testing metalsmith plugin that should throw an error using mocha

I'm writing a metalsmith plugin and its associated test suite with mocha.

The plugin should throw an exception if it lacks configuration:

function plugin(config) {
   return function(files, metalsmith, done) {
      done(new Error("config error"));

and I try to test it with mocha this way:

describe('my plugin', function() {
it('should throw an exception', function(done) {
    var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/basic');
            someconfig: {

        .build(function(err,files) {

When I run the test I have this result:

my plugin
    ✓ should throw an exception 
    1) should throw an exception

  1 passing (31ms)
  1 failing

  1) my plugin should throw an exception:
     Error: done() called multiple times

So it seems the test is ok but somehow is run another time, failing this time...


  • The problem was that the error was throwed inside a foreach loop, causing done() to be called multiple times:

    Object.keys(files).forEach(function (file) {
    done(new Error("config error"));

    Adding a simple return does not work because you can't return from a foreach loop.

    So using a simple for loop instead of the foreach, returning on the first error:

    for (var file in files) {
    return done(new Error("config error"));