
chrome extension : Stop loading the page on launch

I would like to stop the page loading when I click the extension icon. I have a background page , I need an option similar to window.stop() when I click the extension Icon. If the main page is still in loading condition stop loading and load the content JavaScript of extension should work.


  • You can always do this (requires host permissions or activeTab):

    chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
        chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {
            code: "window.stop();",
            runAt: "document_start"

    I am not sure what happens with manifest-defined content scripts. It's possible that scripts defined with run_at other than document_start will not be injected; in this case you can use executeScript's callback to inject them in any case, and put in some guard code in the content script to prevent it from executing twice:

    // content.js
    if(contentInjected) return;
    var contentInjected = true;
    /* rest of the code */