
Liferay new portlet vs plugin project difference

I'm using Eclipse and have the Liferay plugin installed and trying to create a new portlet. I want the Liferay IDE to pre-generate as much code as possible

Does anyone know what the main differences are between creating a new Liferay Portlet and a Liferay Plugin Project?


  • Liferay Plugin Project allows you to create a project (of type portlet, theme, hook etc..), with all dependencies and settings that you need to start coding (or almost).

    Liferay portlet adds to one of your plugin projects of type portlet a class (the portlet class) and optionally a JSP. But you have to tell the portlet how use this class and jsp, and probably many other missing settings.

    I suggest you always use the Liferay Plugin Project, its simpler and fast.