
iOS app submission - archive does not contain an info.plist

I am trying to submit an archive to the app store with an old app i was given. I keep receiving two errors CFBundleShortVersionString key must be in the plist and more troubling 'the package does not contain a plist'

Both of these items exist in the app. I added the CFBundleShortVersionString key to the plist, and the plist file most definitely exists or I could never build it. What is the issue here?


  • If the upload tool isn't finding your .plist file, that would be why it doesn't think it contains a CFBundleShortVersionString key. For some reason, apps can compile without any plist file at all!

    First, make sure that your plist file exists in your project navigator, and that it's not highlighted in red. (in case it has been removed or renamed on disc, for whatever reason)

    In your project in Xcode, select your app's target, and then select the "Build Settings" tab. Search for "plist" to filter the results. Under "Packaging", check the value of "Info.plist". This should be the name of your plist file, relative to your Xcode project. For example, "MyApp/MyApp-Info.plist". If it is blank, change it to the name of your plist file and rebuild.