I want to resolve DNS SRV records using the iOS SDK.
I've already tried the high-level Bonjour APIs Apple is providing, but they're not what I need. Now I'm using DNS SD.
void *processQueryForSRVRecord(void *record) {
DNSServiceRef sdRef;
int context;
printf("Setting up query for record: %s\n", record);
DNSServiceQueryRecord(&sdRef, 0, 0, record, kDNSServiceType_SRV, kDNSServiceClass_IN, callback, &context);
printf("Processing query for record: %s\n", record);
printf("Deallocating query for record: %s\n", record);
return NULL;
This works as long as it gets only correct SRV records (for example: _xmpp-server._tcp.gmail.com), but when the record is typed wrong, DNSServiceProcessResult(sdRef) goes into an infinite loop.
Is there a way to stop DNSServiceProcessResult or must I cancel the thread calling it?
Use good old select()
. This is what I have at the moment:
- (void)updateDnsRecords
if (self.dnsUpdatePending == YES)
self.dnsUpdatePending = YES;
NSLog(@"DNS update");
DNSServiceRef sdRef;
DNSServiceErrorType err;
const char* host = [self.dnsHost UTF8String];
if (host != NULL)
NSTimeInterval remainingTime = self.dnsUpdateTimeout;
NSDate* startTime = [NSDate date];
err = DNSServiceQueryRecord(&sdRef, 0, 0,
// This is necessary so we don't hang forever if there are no results
int dns_sd_fd = DNSServiceRefSockFD(sdRef);
int nfds = dns_sd_fd + 1;
fd_set readfds;
int result;
while (remainingTime > 0)
FD_SET(dns_sd_fd, &readfds);
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = (time_t)remainingTime;
tv.tv_usec = (remainingTime - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000;
result = select(nfds, &readfds, (fd_set*)NULL, (fd_set*)NULL, &tv);
if (result == 1)
if (FD_ISSET(dns_sd_fd, &readfds))
err = DNSServiceProcessResult(sdRef);
if (err != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
NSLog(@"There was an error reading the DNS SRV records.");
else if (result == 0)
NBLog(@"DNS SRV select() timed out");
if (errno == EINTR)
NBLog(@"DNS SRV select() interrupted, retry.");
NBLog(@"DNS SRV select() returned %d errno %d %s.", result, errno, strerror(errno));
NSTimeInterval elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime];
remainingTime -= elapsed;
static void processDnsReply(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char* fullname,
uint16_t rrtype,
uint16_t rrclass,
uint16_t rdlen,
const void* rdata,
uint32_t ttl,
void* context)
NSTimeInterval* remainingTime = (NSTimeInterval*)context;
// If a timeout occurs the value of the errorCode argument will be
// kDNSServiceErr_Timeout.
if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
// The flags argument will have the kDNSServiceFlagsAdd bit set if the
// callback is being invoked when a record is received in response to
// the query.
// If kDNSServiceFlagsAdd bit is clear then callback is being invoked
// because the record has expired, in which case the ttl argument will
// be 0.
if ((flags & kDNSServiceFlagsMoreComing) == 0)
*remainingTime = 0;
// Record parsing code below was copied from Apple SRVResolver sample.
NSMutableData * rrData = [NSMutableData data];
dns_resource_record_t * rr;
uint8_t u8;
uint16_t u16;
uint32_t u32;
u8 = 0;
[rrData appendBytes:&u8 length:sizeof(u8)];
u16 = htons(kDNSServiceType_SRV);
[rrData appendBytes:&u16 length:sizeof(u16)];
u16 = htons(kDNSServiceClass_IN);
[rrData appendBytes:&u16 length:sizeof(u16)];
u32 = htonl(666);
[rrData appendBytes:&u32 length:sizeof(u32)];
u16 = htons(rdlen);
[rrData appendBytes:&u16 length:sizeof(u16)];
[rrData appendBytes:rdata length:rdlen];
rr = dns_parse_resource_record([rrData bytes], (uint32_t) [rrData length]);
// If the parse is successful, add the results.
if (rr != NULL)
NSString *target;
target = [NSString stringWithCString:rr->data.SRV->target encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
if (target != nil)
uint16_t priority = rr->data.SRV->priority;
uint16_t weight = rr->data.SRV->weight;
uint16_t port = rr->data.SRV->port;
[[FailoverWebInterface sharedInterface] addDnsServer:target priority:priority weight:weight port:port ttl:ttl]; // You'll have to do this in with your own method.
Here's the Apple SRVResolver sample from which I got the RR parsing.
This Apple sample mentions that it may block forever, but strange enough suggest to use NSTimer
when trying to add a timeout yourself. But I think using select()
is a much better way.
I have one to-do: Implement flushing cache with DNSServiceReconfirmRecord
. But won't do that now.
Be aware, this code is working, but I'm still testing it.
You need to add libresolv.dylib
to your Xcode project's 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries'.