
primefaces : show message growl if there isn´t a selected item, else open dialog

I want to check the following: I have a dataTable, but selected a row and I click the edit button, then you must leave a message, otherwise open a popup so that the user can change the value

my button is:

 <p:commandButton value="#{bundle.Edit}" id="editBotonFormula" icon="ui-icon-pencil" update=":growl" oncomplete="handleSubmit(args,'OprEditarFormulaDialog');" actionListener="#{oprFormulaMedicaController.validarSeleccionado}"/>

My Managed bean method is:

public void validarSeleccionado(){

    if (selected != null) {

        System.out.println(" hay dato seleeccionado en formulaMedica" + selected);
   //open popup to edit Dialogvar.Show;

    else {
        System.out.println("No hay dato seleccionado " + selected);
        //Show open error message (growl) and not open popup JsfUtil.addErrorMessage(ResourceBundle.getBundle("/Bundle").getString("NoHayFilaSeleccionada"));

My question is : How can I open the dialog (popup)if the row is selected ?????



  • Try the following

     if (selected != null) {
         System.out.println(" hay dato seleeccionado en formulaMedica" + selected);
         RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

    by using the Primefaces function PF to locate your dialog. Prerequisite: You have a p:dialog with widgetvar="OprEditarFormulaDialog".