I wanted to use the DocShare plugin so I installed the ECF SDK in Eclipse Luna and tried adding my google account using the File->New->XMPPS and added my google account information to log in but I get the error "Container Connect" has encountered an error.
Do i need to include anything except my email address in the field for User-ID? I would love any help on this issue as I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it working.
BTW, I also tried adding the details of my account into the XMPP dialogue with the same result.
EDIT: I just realized that I also need to enter a port with my email address but I have almost no knowledge of ports and have no idea what port to assign.
Allowing "Less Secure Apps" in my google settings did the job. Am now connected to my Google Account through Eclipse. Recieved an email that asked me to allow this.