I want a command line argument to be in an array format.
myprogram.py -a 1,2,4,5
and when the argument is parsed using docopt
, I want to see:
{'a' = [1,2,4,5]} # the length of this array could be as long as user may like.
I don't know if this is possible or not. If not what is the best adjustment I could make?
You will not get docopt
to do this, as the comma separated list is just considered a optional argument. But you could easily do it yourself afterwards:
Example of program with many options using docopt.
myprogram.py -a NUMBERS
-h --help show this help message and exit
-a NUMBERS Comma separated list of numbers
from docopt import docopt
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__, version='1.0.0rc2')
args['-a'] = [int(x) for x in args['-a'].split(',')]