I created a content type with different kinds of fields (text, dates, entity relation...). I have 2 dropdown fields (related to 2 taxonomies). I would like that the second dropdown values change based on the value of the first dropdown.
I found the module Dynamic dependent fields (https://www.drupal.org/project/ddf) but after installing (and enabling) it I cannot find any configuration about it.
Could you help me? Thanks
Update: I found the Reference field option limit module (https://www.drupal.org/project/reference_option_limit) but after enabling it I don't know where to set what I need.
Having a look at the source of the module, it looks like there should be a setting when editing a select field.
You may want to consider a different module though, such as:
Conditional fields or
Field conditional states
This is assuming that the dropdowns are not just different levels of a single taxonomy, which the other answer about hierarchy select would be a better option.
EDIT, reading your question again I see it is 2 different taxonomies so Hierarchy select probably wont work for you.