
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file error

When I do ping I get the error message

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.

Here is an example:

Command Prompt Ping


Error Command Prompt

What could I be doing wrong?

I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit

There was some tutorial online that said to look up Systems32. And that didnt even show up. In the search at the image there

Windows menu button

I have also restarted my computer

I've had this for over 6 months and its really beginning to cause me problems.

Also if you believe this is off topic please explain first :P


  • Most likely something has removed the system32 directory from your path. Have you installed the Java SDK? It has a reputation for doing that.

    To check this, at the command prompt type path (followed by enter)

    If c:\windows\system32 isn't there, it needs to be added back in. To do this:

    From the desktop, Right click 'Computer', click 'Properties'
         then click 'Advanced system settings' 
                - this should bring up the System Properties - Advanced tab
    Click 'Enviornment Variables'
    Select the system variables 'PATH'
    Edit PATH and add this line to the front
    or to be generic (in case you've installed windows on a different drive)
    Start a new command window to check if this has worked (or reboot)
          existing command windows will use the old path