I have two newbie questions. I am attempting to output the data from an array into a text file on vhdl. Despite referencing many online guides to do this, I always come up with a "file does not exist". Any suggestions on what's going wrong?
Secondly, when I try to use the array signal below as an argument to the write function, it gives an error. How else can I use non-constant data as an operand?
entity Top_Module is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC);
end Top_Module;
architecture Behavioral of Top_Module is
type array_1 is array (0 to 127) of integer range -128 to 127;
signal sample_1: array_1 := (104,40,-40,-104,-128,-104,-40,40,104,127,104,40,40,-4);
constant a :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= "0111";
process(clk) -- process for writing the outputs to the "*.txt" file
file result_file: text is out "fft_output.txt";
variable outline:line;
constant tmp_fft:integer:=0;
if(clk'event and clk='1') then
--tmp_fft :=to_integer(signed(sample_1));
end if;
end process;
The file declaration is VHDL 1987 syntax, so try with this instead:
file result_file : text open write_mode is "fft_output.txt";
Your code does not show it, but I assume you include the std.textio
library std;
use std.textio.all;
In VHDL 2002, this package does not know how to make (write) a line
as attempted in write(outline, a)
. So if you are using
VHDL 2002, the problem may be due to lacing support for std_logic_vector
arguments in the write
The non-standard Synopsys package std_logic_textio
is available in most
tools, and includes a write function for std_logic_vector
. This package can
be used with:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
VHDL 2008 standard added support for write of std_logic_vector
in the
package, so you may want to check if the simulator you are
using has support for this feature in VHDL 2008. Note that binary and hex
output is also supported with bwrite
and hwrite
Note that synthesis using write
and in general textio
is not possible, since these are based on the line
type, which again is an access
type, similar to pointer types in other languages, and this can't be synthesized. For synthesis use a function the the slv_image
in David Koontz's answer.