I have a table which in a MySQL db with this model:
class Client< ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :length => {:maximum => 255}, :presence => true
validates :client_status, inclusion: { in: 0..2, :presence => true }
validates :client_type, inclusion: { in: 0..2, :presence => true}
So I want the client_status and the client_type to only be numeric values between 0 and 2, here is the rspec I wrote to accommodate this:
describe Client do
before do
@client = Client.new
it "should allow name that is less than 255 characters" do
long_char = 'a' *254
@client.name = long_char
@client.client_status = 0
@client.client_type = 1
@client.should be_valid
This is a pretty simple test, I have presence true for both client_status and client_type so I must add those in the RSPEC, however running this rspec gives me this error message:
got errors: Value type is not included in the list, Status is not included in the list
I tried this, to see what the output is:
puts "client type is: #{@client.client_type} and status is: #{@client.client_status} ."
I received this output:
client type is: false and status is: .
Note: I have changed the names of the model/rspec and some of the fields so that I do not violate my companies NDA.
validates :client_status, presence: true, inclusion: { in: 0..2 }
validates :client_status, inclusion: { in: 0..2 }