The BugSense SDK integrated in my APp is latest & is 3.6. Here is the sample code to initialize bugsense in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
[BugSenseController sharedControllerWithBugSenseAPIKey:@"YOUR-API-KEY"
The BugSense dashboard indicates that new sessions are being created in the 'insights' section.
However, sessions & unique users indicated in the header do not increase, neither are crashes being reported.
I have added a manual crash in app, by calling a method after 20 seconds.
NSArray *myArray = @[[NSNull null], [NSNull null], [NSNull null],
[NSNull null], [NSNull null]];
NSLog(@"%@", myArray[98]);
I am testing by archiving the build & using iTunes to sync the build instead of running directly on device.
Well, I tried everything I could, compared configurations to another project, tried custom exception handlers but nothing worked. In the end, I had to recreate the whole project and add files again.