I tried with copying directory and files to remote Linux machine using rsync and incrontab.
It's working fine copying files to remote server.
chmod -R 775 /data/AMOS_SHARE/CHV_BE
rsync -avuzh /data/AMOS_SHARE/CHV_BE/ jboss@xx.xx.xx.xx:/data/AMOS_SHARE/CHV_BE/
I created some files in /data/AMOS_SHARE/CHV_BE/
folder. It worked fine as well as I created folder in that, it is also working fine. But whenever I creat files in a sub folder, it's not working.
Please help me out.
In incrond recursively monitoring is not implemented yet, so the events in sub-directories are not monitored. You can do it by adding a additional watchers to sub-dirs but I would recommended to use another tool:
Also you can try ionotifywait tool (example)
inotifywait /tmp/test_dir -m -r
and parse the output of this command.