I have the following code that allows you to scroll up and down a pad of text. Each time you scroll (i.e. handle a user input) the pad updates as expected. However, before the first key is pressed nothing is shown, despite that I'm calling pad.refresh() just as I do after each user input.
My code looks like this :
def main(self,stdscr):
x,y = 20,150 # size of the window
u,a = 10,20 # where to place window - up,across
pad = curses.newpad(20,150) # nlines, ncols
pad_pos = 0
exit = False
while not exit:
++ stdscr.refresh()
pad.refresh(pad_pos,10, u,a, x,y)
-- cmd = stdscr.getch()
++ cmd = pad.getch()
+ pad.getch() - caused the screen not to update
+ stdscr.refresh() - no change
if cmd != -1:
+ pad.getch() - - caused the screen not to update
if cmd == curses.KEY_DOWN:
if pad_pos < 3:
pad_pos += 1
pad.refresh(pad_pos,0, u,a, x,y)
except curses.error:
elif cmd == curses.KEY_UP:
if pad_pos != 0:
pad_pos -= 1
pad.refresh(pad_pos,0, u,a, x,y)
except curses.error:
Edit : changes shown within code as to what has been tried (+,++,--)
Try calling stdscr.nodelay(1)
BEFORE you hang up on stdscr.getch()