
Gravity Forms columns side by side

In case you are wondering how to have side by side columns in Wordpress gravity forms.


  • This is taken from here and here, and simplified.

    First go to Form Settings and add class two-column to Form Layout.

    Then go ahead and add a section break in the beginning of your Gravity Form items. Add another section break to where ever you want your form to split. Then add class gform_column to both section break's from Advanced tab.

    After this go to your functions.php and paste the following (hook) :

    function gform_column_splits($content, $field, $value, $lead_id, $form_id) {
    if(!is_admin()) { // only perform on the front end
        if($field['type'] == 'section') {
            $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id, true);
            // check for the presence of multi-column form classes
            $form_class = explode(' ', $form['cssClass']);
            $form_class_matches = array_intersect($form_class, array('two-column', 'three-column'));
            // check for the presence of section break column classes
            $field_class = explode(' ', $field['cssClass']);
            $field_class_matches = array_intersect($field_class, array('gform_column'));
            // if field is a column break in a multi-column form, perform the list split
            if(!empty($form_class_matches) && !empty($field_class_matches)) { // make sure to target only multi-column forms
                // retrieve the form's field list classes for consistency
                $form = RGFormsModel::add_default_properties($form);
                $description_class = rgar($form, 'descriptionPlacement') == 'above' ? 'description_above' : 'description_below';
                // close current field's li and ul and begin a new list with the same form field list classes
                return '</li></ul><ul class="gform_fields '.$form['labelPlacement'].' '.$description_class.' '.$field['cssClass'].'"><li class="gfield gsection empty">';
    return $content;
    add_filter('gform_field_content', 'gform_column_splits', 100, 5);

    This will close the ul and open a new one, which can be style to be next to each other.

    Now just add the following to your styles

    .gform_wrapper.two-column_wrapper ul.gform_fields {
    display: none;
    .gform_wrapper.two-column_wrapper ul.gform_fields.gform_column {
    display: block;
    float: left;
    width: 50%;
    .gform_wrapper.two-column_wrapper ul.gform_column li.gsection:first-child {
    display: none;

    And that should do the magic.