I need to be able to generate the links certain number of times (stored in int variable)Is there a way to do it out of the box with twig's for loop?
{% for i in numberOfLoops %}
{{ i }}. Some data
{% endfor %}
The above example do not work. I googled it but did not find actual solution. Any support would be very appreciated.
EDIT: I also tried:
{% set k = 10 %}
{% for i in 0..k %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
but this generates an exception:
com.lyncode.jtwig.exception.ParseException: Wrong binary operation syntax
Explanation: Input position (line 15, pos 27):
{% for i in 0..k %}
I found the working example:
{% set k = 10 %}
{% for i in range(1, k) %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
Source: https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/functions/range.html (not very intuitive to find indeed).