
why in the console of hook/commit in tortoise we can see only errors?

I created a post-commit hook which inform the user of some others information. I put in my code:

echo "my message" >&0;
echo "Your commit has been performed successfully." 1>&2;
exit 1;

Could you please told me why for these messages we can display it only if I put "exit 1"?

Is there any other way to do it?


  • The Subversion server is designed such that the only user-visible messages that are sent back are error conditions (anything written to STDERR, usually).

    A successful commit is communicated back to the client, and the client can then display a nicer message if the developer choses to do so.

    Any non-error messages that need to be communicated to the client from the server need to be done via other means; email, RSS feed, a bot talking to IM or an IRC channel, etc.