here is the code i am using to query for 'subscription' and then return a reference of the workspace i want to access:
public static String query_for_workspace(String ws, RallyRestApi r) throws IOException{
String Wspace_ref=null;
//Read Subscription
QueryRequest subscriptionRequest = new QueryRequest("Subscriptions");
subscriptionRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Name", "Workspaces"));
QueryResponse subscriptionQueryResponse = r.query(subscriptionRequest);
String subName = subscriptionQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Name").toString();
System.out.println("Read Subscription: " + subName);
// Grab Workspaces Collection
JsonArray myWorkspaces = subscriptionQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Workspaces").getAsJsonArray();
// iterates through all workspaces and fetch 'ref' (string attribute) of the useful workspace
for (int i=0; i<myWorkspaces.size(); i++) {
JsonObject workspaceObject = myWorkspaces.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
String workspaceRef = workspaceObject.get("_ref").getAsString();
GetRequest workspaceRequest = new GetRequest(workspaceRef);
workspaceRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Name"));
GetResponse workspaceResponse = r.get(workspaceRequest);
JsonObject workspaceObj = workspaceResponse.getObject();
String workspaceName = workspaceObj.get("Name").getAsString();
System.out.printf("Workspace found ==> %s\n", workspaceName);
return Wspace_ref;
The error comes from this line:
JsonArray myWorkspaces=subscriptionQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Workspaces").getAsJsonArray();
This code is working with 1.x API. How do I access the list of workspaces in 2.x?
Thank you!
In Rally api v2.0 the ability to return child collections in the same response was removed for performance reasons. In v2.0 fetching a collection will return an object with the count and the url from which to get the collection data.
In the older versions of WS API certain fetch lists created a lot recursive calls, and all the collections included in the fetch make the call quite expensive. In WS API v2.0 this will not happen, since a separate call will have to be made in order to get objects of the collections.
So, I believe, in this situation if you update your code to:
public static String query_for_workspace(String ws, RallyRestApi r) throws IOException{
String Wspace_ref=null;
//Read Subscription
QueryRequest subscriptionRequest = new QueryRequest("Subscriptions");
QueryResponse subscriptionQueryResponse = r.query(subscriptionRequest);
String subName = subscriptionQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Name").toString();
System.out.println("Read Subscription: " + subName);
//Grab Workspaces Collection
QueryRequest workspaceRequest = new QueryRequest(subscriptionQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("Workspaces"));
workspaceRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Name", "_ref”));
JsonArray myWorkspaces = r.query(workspaceRequest).getResults();
//Iterate through the Workspaces to find the correct one
String workspaceName = "";
for (int i=0; i<myWorkspaces.size(); i++){
workspaceName = myWorkspaces.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("Name").getAsString();
System.out.printf("Workspace found ==> %s\n", workspaceName);
Wspace_ref = myWorkspaces.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("_ref").getAsString();
return Wspace_ref;
That should provide the Ref you need.