I wrote a project for parsing strings using context-free grammar in Instaparse (Clojure). Now I'd like to test several input-Strings for their parsing results. Some input strings might not fit into the grammar. So far I only tested for "parsed strings not fitting the expectation". But I think it would be more accurate to test for exceptions using (is (thrown? ...))
. Are there exceptions thrown? It seems to me that some output (Containing Parse error...
) is generated, but no exception is thrown.
My project.clj is:
(defproject com.stackoverflow.clojure/tests "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Tests of Clojure test-framework."
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[instaparse "1.3.4"]])
My core source is:
(ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.testInstaparseWrongGrammar
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta]))
(def parser (insta/parser "
<sentence> = words <DOT>
DOT = '.'
<words> = word (<SPACE> word)*
SPACE = ' '
word = #'(?U)\\w+'
(defn formatter [expr]
(->> (parser expr)
(insta/transform {:word identity})
(apply str)))
My test source is:
(ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.testInstaparseWrongGrammar-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[com.stackoverflow.clojure.testInstaparseWrongGrammar :refer :all]))
(deftest parser-tests
(is (= [[:word "Hello"] [:word "World"]] (parser "Hello World.")))
(is (not (= [[:word "Hello"] [:word "World"]] (parser "Hello World?"))))
;(parser "Hello World?") gives:
;Parse error at line 1, column 12:
;Hello World?
; ^
;Expected one of:
;"." (followed by end-of-string)
;" "
(deftest formatter-tests
(is (= "HelloWorld" (formatter "Hello World.")))
(is (not (= "HelloWorld" (formatter "Hello World?"))))
;(formatter "Hello World?") gives:
;"[:index 11][:reason [{:tag :string, :expecting \".\", :full true} {:tag :string, :expecting \" \"}]][:text \"Hello World?\"][:column 12][:line 1]"
; run the tests
How should I test for the errors (Here: when the sentence does not end with a .
but with a !
Instaparse does not throw an exception on a parse error; instead, it returns a "failure object" (ref: parse errors). You can test for a failure object with (insta/failure? result)
If you want your parser/formatter to throw an exception on unexpected input, add that to your core:
(ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.testInstaparseWrongGrammar
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta])
(:require [instaparse.failure :as fail]))
(def raw-parser (insta/parser "
<sentence> = words <DOT>
DOT = '.'
<words> = word (<SPACE> word)*
SPACE = ' '
word = #'(?U)\\w+'
; pretty-print a failure as a string
(defn- failure->string [result]
(with-out-str (fail/pprint-failure result)))
; create an Exception with the pretty-printed failure message
(defn- failure->exn [result]
(Exception. (failure->string result)))
(defn parser [expr]
(let [result (raw-parser expr)]
(if (insta/failure? result)
(throw (failure->exn result))
(defn formatter [expr]
(->> (parser expr)
(insta/transform {:word identity})
(apply str)))
...and now you can use (is (thrown? ...))
in the test:
(deftest parser-tests
(is (= [[:word "Hello"] [:word "World"]] (parser "Hello World.")))
(is (thrown? Exception (= [[:word "Hello"] [:word "World"]] (parser "Hello World?"))))
This approach uses instaparse to pretty-print the failure and wraps that in an Exception. Another approach is to use ex-info
as outlined in this answer.