
Get minimum and maximum from a list of objects

I have this class

class TimeSpentStats{
  int manId;
  String sessionId;
  int userId;
  Long timeStamp;

I have a List and I want to get the minimum timestamp and maximum from the list for each (manId, sessionId, userId)

So for example, I have:

manId sessionId userId timeStamp

1      01F      5          1000
1      01F      5          1005
3      6Y       3           7
3      6Y       3           16

I need for (1 01F 5) -> min = 1000 , max = 1005 and for (3 6Y 3 ) - > min = 7 , max = 16

I need to add maybe 2 attributes in the same class? Any ideas if I can do this? Thank you


  • public class Main
        public static void main( String[] args )
            Map< TimeSpentStats, MinMax > hashMap = new HashMap< TimeSpentStats, MinMax >();
            addToMap( hashMap, new TimeSpentStats( 1, "01F", 5, 1000L ) );
            addToMap( hashMap, new TimeSpentStats( 1, "01F", 5, 1005L ) );
            addToMap( hashMap, new TimeSpentStats( 3, "6Y", 3, 7L ) );
            addToMap( hashMap, new TimeSpentStats( 3, "6Y", 3, 16L ) );
            for ( Map.Entry< TimeSpentStats, MinMax > entry : hashMap.entrySet() )
                TimeSpentStats timeSpentStats = entry.getKey();
                MinMax minMax = entry.getValue();
                System.out.println( timeSpentStats.getManId() + "\t" + timeSpentStats.getSessionId() + "\t" + timeSpentStats.getUserId() + "\tMin Time Stamp :" + minMax.getMin() + "\tMax Time Stamp :" + minMax.getMax() );
        private static void addToMap( Map< TimeSpentStats, MinMax > hashMap, TimeSpentStats timeSpentStats )
            MinMax timeStampMinMax = hashMap.get( timeSpentStats );
            if ( timeStampMinMax != null )
                timeStampMinMax.updateValues( timeSpentStats.getTimeStamp() );
                hashMap.put( timeSpentStats, new MinMax( timeSpentStats.getTimeStamp() ) );
    class MinMax
        private Long min;
        private Long max;
        MinMax( Long timeStamp )
            this.min = timeStamp;
            this.max = timeStamp;
        public Long getMin()
            return min;
        public Long getMax()
            return max;
        public boolean updateValues( Long timeStamp )
            if ( timeStamp < this.min )
                this.min = timeStamp;
                return true;
            else if ( timeStamp > this.max )
                this.max = timeStamp;
                return true;
            return false;
    class TimeSpentStats
        private final int manId;
        private final String sessionId;
        private final int userId;
        private final Long timeStamp;
        public TimeSpentStats( int manId, String sessionId, int userId, Long timeStamp )
            this.manId = manId;
            this.sessionId = sessionId;
            this.userId = userId;
            this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
        public int getManId()
            return manId;
        public String getSessionId()
            return sessionId;
        public int getUserId()
            return userId;
        public Long getTimeStamp()
            return timeStamp;
        public boolean equals( Object obj )
            if ( obj instanceof TimeSpentStats )
                TimeSpentStats timeSpentStats = (TimeSpentStats)obj;
                return this.manId == timeSpentStats.manId && this.sessionId.equals(timeSpentStats.sessionId) && this.userId == timeSpentStats.userId;
            return false;
        public int hashCode()
            return sessionId.hashCode();

    Edit : a small bug is fixed. Here I had forgot to use .equals(), as the sessionId you have mentioned is of String type.