
FullCalendar auto-height in week view

I need to have a calendar in week mode which would take all the width it can take and take all the height it needs to not have scrollbars.

If I keep default settings height: auto, aspectRation: 1.35, I see a vertical scrollbar: enter image description here

If I change aspectRatio to 1, scrollbar disappears but I see a useless empty area at the bottom:

enter image description here

Is there any way to fix it except guessing the aspectRatio (which is not a case for me as minTime and maxTime are dynamically changed so the conent height changes)?


  • Edit:

    Fullcalendar v2.1.1

    contentHeight: 'auto',

    Solution for old versions?

    Kind of hack:ish. Does this work in your environment? I used the code from your other question.

    contentHeight: '9999',