
How to install a library in a virtualenv when its link is broken in pip

So I want to install openerp 7.0.406 that require pychart and the only link for it seems broken in pip.

No distributions at all found for pychart in ./env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from openerp-core==7.0.406->-r picdyn_openerp_conf/requirements (line 11))

In the log we have :

URLs to search for versions for pychart in ./env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from openerp-core==7.0.406->-r picdyn_openerp_conf/requirements (line 15)):
Analyzing links from page
  Skipping link (from; not a file
Not searching (from for files because external urls are disallowed.
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pychart in ./env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from openerp-core==7.0.406->-r picdyn_openerp_conf/requirements (line 15))

When you check the uri it return a 404 not found. So I downloaded pychart from somewhere else (, and I tried to install it (being in my virtualenv).

pip install PyChart-1.39.tar.gz 
Installing collected packages: PyChart
  Running install for PyChart
Successfully installed PyChart

It seem, it's not really working because when i try again to update from my requirements file, pip still try to access "" with the same error message and openerp fail to install.

But when i try to reinstall pychart, it says pychart is in fact installed :

pip install PyChart-1.39
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): PyChart==1.39 from file:///home/pierre/PyChart-1.39 in ./env/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Am I doing something wrong ? Is pychart installed or is there a problem with the dependancies of openerp ? Is PyChart different from pychart for pip ?


  • It works if you use --allow-external and --allow-unverified in order to install from an external source.

    But there is no --allow-all-unverified so as I had several problems (pychart, pyxml, openerp-core) I added them one by one. I was still searching for a way to allow multiple unverified... (--allow-unverified a b, "a b", or a,b don't work).

    But as Adrian Merrall said it's a lot cleaner to add the full URL in requirements.txt instead of PyChart==1.39:

    Because you don't even need the --allow-external or --allow-unverified options and you don't need to treat Pychart differently.