
Clear Chicagoboss cache

I have been using erlang and chicagoboss since 5-6 months. I have observed that when I don't run ./rebar compile for long time then server takes too much load. requires at least 20 -25 seconds to reload any of the web page on localhost.

My questions are:


  • I assume, you are using ./ This scripts provides automatic reloading, which is really great during development, but can be slow. It checks all the .beam files and if corresponding .erl file was modified later, it means, that it has to be recompiled. Recompilation takes place on every request. It doesn't actually create new .beam files in the place of the previous ones. It compiles them "on the fly" and loads, so even, if you did not change anything after first modification, the file still has to be recompiled.

    If you did some modifications to bigger number of files, this operation might have big impact on your system. It probably doesn't have anything to do with memcache or Cowboy. Just compile the files regularly.

    A few tricks: