
How to name iOS launch icons for a universal app?

This may be a trivial question, but I can't seem to find a concise answer on how to appropriately name (and what dimensions to use) for the iOS launch icons?

Note I am not using Xcode but rather am porting a LibGDX game over to iOS via RoboVM. This is what my iOS /data/ folder looks like right now:

enter image description here

I think I have all of the "Default" launch images set properly, but I'm not sure about the launch icons. (All of this confusion is really coming from the fact that there is scarce info about the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.)

So basically, what launch icon files are wrong and/or are missing?

Oh, also in my plist.xml file, this is what I have:

enter image description here

If I add more launch icon images, would I need to change anything here?

(I'm new to iOS development if it isn't painfully obvious yet.)


  • In my libGDX ios project, I have the following icons in my ios/resources folder (not in the data folder):

    Icon-40.png Icon-40@2x.png Icon-60.png Icon-60@2x.png Icon-72.png Icon-72@2x.png Icon-76.png Icon-76@2x.png Icon-Small-50.png Icon-Small-50@2x.png Icon-Small.png Icon-Small@2x.png Icon.png Icon@2x.png

    And then in my Info.plist.xml file I have:

    <key>CFBundleIcons</key> <dict> <key>CFBundlePrimaryIcon</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIconFiles</key> <array> <string>Icon</string> <string>Icon-40</string> <string>Icon-60</string> <string>Icon-72</string> <string>Icon-76</string> <string>Icon-Small</string> <string>Icon-Small-50</string> </array> <key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key> <true/> </dict> </dict>

    This seems to work as desired. And, since I'm here and these also took a while to work out, here are the launch images, including the new iPhone 6 and 6+ which it seems are needed to allow native screen resolution support on those devices:

    Default-375w-667h@2x.png Default-414w-736h@3x.png Default-568h@2x.png Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png Default-Landscape~ipad.png Default.png Default@2x.png Default@2x~ipad.png Default~ipad.png

    As far as I can tell, there are no corresponding Plist entries needed for these.

    Hope this helps!